*                     CMVParser

Project summary page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmvparser/


            Downloads page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmvparser/files


            CMV is a file extension associated with Corel MOVE!™ application. Corel MOVE!™ is a first Corel experiment with software for creation of animations.



            Corel MOVE!™ is a part of Corel DRAW!™ 4.0, and 5.0. First available for Windows 3.11.



            CMVParser is a cross-platform library which could be used for read CMV files and implement animation exporter or player. You can have access to CMV data on any level:

-       Low level file structure access

-       Resources access

-       Rendering of separate frame

-       Playing entire animation


CMV is not only animation. It is could contain sounds and cues which can be used for user interaction with playing video. CMVParser provide accessibility to this data also.


            CMVParser package for Windows includes complete animation player which is supports exporting of separate resources, sound playing and cues interaction.




            Corel MOVE!™ is unavailable in 6.0 Corel Suite. Corel R.A.V.E. and etc. doesn’t supports CMV, so I hope CMVParser will be helpful for people who have CMV’s because there is no another way to open such files without original Corel application.


Corel Move .. where is it?


Corel Move is unavailable in 6:


Corel 5 gives users more-- but is it more than they want?


You could buy it is here:




            My home site here (but it is updated very seldom and sometimes unavailable) : http://amarkas.no-ip.org/


AMark, 2012